League History for NimzoMal

56King Pawn and Rook U1800 1/2 1/2 1:0 +:- 1/2 +:- 1/2 1:0 1:0 1/25 5 0
57Leviathan 1/2 1:0 1/2 1:0 1:03 2 0
57King Pawn and Rook 1:0 1/2 1:0 1:0 1/2 1/2 1/23 4 0
 Grand Totals          11 11 0
Section Colors:U2200U2000U1800U1600U1400U1200
 Played Games9110
 Set Games000
 Forfeited Games20
 Total Games: 22 Forfeit Rate: 0%
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